P. Moga, S. I. Gutiu, C. Moga, A. D. Danciu, & M. Suciu. (2014)(1st ed.)str. Observatorului nr. 34: UT Press.
P. Moga, S. I. Gutiu, & A. Danciu. (2013)In ”Tradition and Innovation - 60 Years of Civil Engineering Higher Education in Transilvania”Presented at the C60 International Conference, ”Tradition and Innovation - 60 Years of Civil Engineering Higher Education in Transilvania”.
P. Moga, S. I. Gutiu, C. Moga, & A. Danciu. (2013)In “Tendinţe actuale în ingineria structurilor metalice”, a XIII-a Conferinţă Naţională de Construcţii metalice (p. 85-93)Presented at the A XIII-a Conferinţă Naţională de Construcţii metalice, CONPRESS.
P. Moga, & A. Danciu. (2013)In „Materiale şi tehnologii noi în construcţia şi întreţinerea drumurilor şi podurilor”Presented at the Simpozionul naţional „Materiale şi tehnologii noi în construcţia şi întreţinerea drumurilor şi podurilor”, UT PRESS Cluj-Napoca.
P. Moga, S. I. Gutiu, & A. D. Danciu. (2013)Bulletin of the Polytechnique Institute of Jassy, LIX (LXIII)(1), 81-102.
C. Moga, A. D. Danciu, & M. Suciu. (2013)Bulletin of the Polytechnique Institute of Jassy, LIX (LXIII)(1), 175-182.
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A. D. Danciu. (2011)Technical University from Cluj-Napoca, Civil Engineering Faculty, Observatorului street, no. 72-74.
A. Danciu, E. Pantel, H. Mociran, & D. Danciu. (2010)In Proceedings of the International Symposium "Computational Civil Engineering 2010” (p. 47-52).
H. Mociran, E. Pantel, & A. Danciu. (2010)In Proceedings of the International Symposium "Computational Civil Engineering 2010” (p. 480-487).
A. Danciu, E. Pantel, & H. Mociran. (2010)In Proceedings of the International Conference Civil Engineering – Science and Practice (p. 1239-1244).
H. Mociran, E. Pantel, & A. Danciu. (2010)In Proceedings of the International Conference Civil Engineering – Science and Practice (p. 499-504).
A. Stan, & H. Mociran. (2008)In Proceedings of the International Symposium "Computational Civil Engineering 2008” (p. 525-530).
H. Mociran, & A. Stan. (2008)In Proceedings of the International Symposium "Computational Civil Engineering 2008” (p. 334-341).