Structural and optical properties of Eu3+ ions in lead glass for photonic applications

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The new glass system, with the chemical composition xEu2O3•(100 − x)[4PbO2•Pb] where x = 0-10 mol% Eu2O3, obtained by melt quenching method, was investigated by XRD analysis, FTIR, UV-Vis and PL spectroscopy for optical devices applications. The XRD analysis reveals the vitreous structure of the obtained samples. The FTIR absorption spectra reveal the evolution of the [PbO3], [PbO4], and [PbO6] basic structural units in the glass network as a function of the rare earth content. The disintegration of the [PbO6], octahedral structural units into Pb2+ and non-bonding oxygen ion centers was exhibited in UV–Vis spectra. The optical parameters confirmed the formation of non-bridging oxygen ions and defects in the glass network. Under 395 nm excitation wavelengths, the PL spectra showed the simultaneous emission of the Pb2+ and f−f transitions of Eu3+ ions. The Color parameters manifest that the europium doped lead-based glasses are suitable for w-LED.

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