Recent advances and applications

(Z. H. Yao, M. W. Yuan, & W. X. Zhong, Eds.) Computational Mechanics, Proceedings. TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY HAIDIANQU, BEIJING 100084, PEOPLES R CHINA: TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY PRESS (2004) .



During the last years, new yield functions were introduced in order to improve the fitting of the experimental results, especially for aluminium. alloys. Three different models developed by Banabic et al. (BBC2003), Barlat et al. (Yld2000) and Cazacu and Barlat (CB2001) are presented. The performances of these yield criteria are demonstrated for two common aluminium alloys. The BBC models have been implemented in different models of sheet metal forming. Two examples are presented in the paper: the implementation in the Marciniak-Kuczynski model in order to calculate the limit strains and the implementation in bulging process.

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