Foreign experience of TQM application in practice


Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 19(2), 36-49 (2018) .


The article examines the issue of TQM effectiveness in foreign enterprises and clarifies the TQM
concept. The paper holds a comparative analysis of approaches to managing a quality-focused organisation,
which the authors of the article represent as an integrative basis of the TQM concept. The research
reveals contradictions in applying the TQM model in practice. On the one hand, it can create a positive
impact on company activities, but on the other hand, the introduction of the new system can be unsuccessful
or lead to a deterioration in enterprises' performance. The paper systematizes the research findings
about the impact of TQM on the financial performance of foreign companies and determines three
variants of possible financial results of implementing it at enterprises: improvement, absence of direct
influence or their deterioration over time. Accordingly, the paper brings to the fore the problem of creating
a theoretical base for adopting TQM in the practice of Russian enterprises to undertake empirical
studies allowing for the specifics of doing business in Russia.

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