Reverse ontology matching


ACM SIGMOD Record, 39(4), 5 (2011) .


Ontology Matching aims to find the semantic correspondences between$$nontologies that belong to a single domain but that have been developed$$nseparately. However, there are still some problem areas to be solved,$$nbecause experts are still needed to supervise the matching processes and$$nan efficient way to reuse the alignments has not yet been found. We$$npropose a novel technique named Reverse Ontology Matching, which aims to$$nfind the matching functions that were used in the original process. The$$nuse of these functions is very useful for aspects such as modeling$$nbehavior from experts, performing matching-by-example, reverse$$nengineering existing ontology matching tools or compressing ontology$$nalignment repositories. Moreover, the results obtained from a widely$$nused benchmark dataset provide evidence of the effectiveness of this$$napproach.

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