Elektrofiziologicheskie i povedencheskie izmeneniia posle razrusheniia bazolateral'nogo iadra mindaliny u krys


Zhurnal vyssheĭ nervnoĭ deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova, 36(6), 1061–8 (1986) .


In experiments on rats the influence was studied of unilateral destruction of the basolateral amygdala on heterogeneous conditioned reflexes and focal potentials (FPs) of the dorso-medial thalamic nucleus, elicited by stimulation of the peri-amygdalar cortex. It is shown that reduction during 3-4 postsurgery weeks of the number of goal-directed reactions and increase of their latencies are accompanied by suppression of the evoked activity, testifying to disturbance of functional interaction between the structures of limbic and thalamic levels. Changes of FPs parameters, reflecting the establishment of new functional interrelations between the centres of the lesioned system excelled in duration compensatory restoration of properties of conditioned reflexes.

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