Integrated Product Development in Multisite PLM Platform
Stelian-Cornel Florica, George Draghici
It is well known that the challenges in Automotive industry, namely reducing time to market, risks and development costs, could be reached thanks to innovative design methods supported by PLM technologies. Such methods are based on integrated design or collaborative engineering enabling close exchanges of data and information between different platforms and departments. The paper proposes a synthesis of the different programs on platforms who is leading to development issue during conception and manufacturing process. It presents also the development of a collaborative design platform, which aims to improve partners' cooperation in the automotive supply chain. The paper also discusses how to include multiple expertise and integrated design in the collaborative platform. By integrating of the product conception, the technology processes and the manufacturing in the computer integrated manufacturing have been achieved a raise in the manufacturing flexibility, the reducing of the delivering times and the improvement of the realized products' quality. The present paper also presents the relevant items for building a multisite PLM platform for collaborative integrated product development based on the common researches developed in automotive industry. Based on these arguments, it is necessary to build a collaborative multisite platform. Who will integrate Teamcenter as the base software platform for documents and technical data management that is joining together different applications for collaborative product development methodology and the multisite PLM platform architecture: Virtual Design (Catia, Creo), for manufacturing and Virtual Prototyping (3D Via, Creo Mechanica, Creo Simulate), etc. The model of building such collaborative design environment was inspired by different solutions delivered by companies with great names: Dassault, Siemens, PTC, but these solutions are expensive and heavy to be implemented by small and medium companies. Our mission is to analyze the advancement and implementation of PLM platforms through research department in partnership with manufacturing industry.
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