Joanne Lydia Starodub
Joanne Lydia Starodub has an extensive academic background combined with personal and practical experience in business, training, consulting, communications, psychotherapy, Enneagram and spirituality.
Joanne has blended these into a living and flexible model that helps others create success wherever it is lacking. With wise understanding, compassion, humor, and an intelligent inspirational approach, changing and learning become a positive graceful adventure, especially at the deepest levels of the mind where change is permanent and highly effective.
From a very young age, Dr Starodub had a connection to a greater loving power that she believed was connected to her religious upbringing. At age 18, she decided that she had a spiritual calling and entered a Catholic convent to become a Nun who would serve the Highest Power and help others to find that depth of love that she had experienced no matter how difficult life would be at times.
She also had a dream to be a school teacher and her commitment to her dream led her to Ottawa Teacher’s College where at graduation she had her own classroom. She loved the experience of helping others learn and committed fully to the educational and spiritual success of her students attending religious schools. She was determined to make their learning easy and fun as well as rewarding. She graduated from teaching young children to high school where her desire to experience consciousness increased as greater potential was revealed in the higher grade of students.
In 1968 her desire to expand her power of consciousness potential caused her to leave the convent in search of harnessing the unacknowledged capacity that was not yet awakened but could be.
Joanne never missed any opportunity that emerged to expand her knowledge and understanding of life and what it presented as a message of finding what “more capability” was ready to awaken and discover the unconscious “more” that was waiting to become a natural part of living happily and successfully and free of pain.
In the following 16 years the search continued as she created the circumstances to teach students of all ages, one on one, at the Toronto Royal Conservatory of Music. Simultaneously, her desire for the unfoldment of greater knowledge and power persisted. Working one on one with students of all ages expanded the level of knowledge of how our minds can expand and how it is possible to help others become “more” of being unlimited beyond the mind /body limitations. Her students succeeded and fully enjoyed their talents emerging more than expected. She also continued to study and expand her knowledge of influencing others to become empowered, and trusting of their potential emerging beyond what a music lesson offered by itself. Her students included children of all ages as well as many adults living a dream they never thought could come true. She was able to help students and parents develop a greater level of positive life beyond what they expected.
This was the best part of her next level of personal evolution that would emerge. She was inspired to expand her knowledge of how our mental and emotional abilities could create unlimited changes in life that already exist at the unconscious level.
Joanne studied business at York University (Toronto) and graduated from the International Excellerated Business School for Entrepreneurs. She is a Master Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a certified member of the American Board of Hypnotherapy and has a Doctorate of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Natural Medicine.
What was created was an expanded view that the past desire for a deeper connection to universal energy would expand each person’s natural gifts buried at the unconscious level and would become a new reality of Truth in life. Those who decide to work with her become partners on a journey of self discovery and fulfilment. Clients find that they move forward more quickly than traditional psychological systems. It becomes easier to discover whatever direction or new knowledge is most congruent to end any crisis, find success, or awaken talents and new strategies to make life work better personally and professionally with the highest integrity and genuine trust.
Each person has the potential of a unique destiny. The seeds are planted in our minds at birth and possibly before. During our youth, life, through various experiences, guardians and teachers, was preparing us for the time when we would discover where our talents and strengths would be most useful and beneficial and possibly inspiring. Those events were a path that was meant to lead us to claiming our inheritance of true self-actualization and making a commitment to it.
Most people never discover their True Being. Most of us who are truly honest with ourselves know life has more to offer than we have been able to experience. Dr Joanne discovered a way to germinate, grow, and harvest those seeds of potential successes that have remained in the shadows.
It brings to light the explanations and reasons why we have responded inadequately to past events. More importantly, it offers a new way of actively participating in life that ensures that we get the results that at one time, was a possible dream, love, achievement, inspiration, passion, genius, safety-security, power, peace and freedom from pain.
It allows us to eliminate the hit or miss that often comes with decision making and the anxiety that commitment sometimes can bring. Confidence in personal and business relationships, balance in mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical states are a few of the many benefits that Mr. Trivedi helped me to transform beyond the limited conditions of life that I had been searching for healing from the time I was a child. In 2010, I was invited to a meeting with Mr Trivedi and with the power of his blessings and desires to expand consciousness and spiritual transformation, I was able to develop an amazing trust through his guidance and transference of universal energy that finally found the part of life I felt was missing most of my life.
He is able to heal any mental and physical and emotional disorders as well as traumas that appear impossible for many to heal in the “normal” world. Bringing others awakening and happiness through inspiration, compassion, love, and calmness allow so many positive experiences and inspiration to become normal.
Having been awakened through Mr Trivedi’s gifts I know allows it to be passed on to those who will trust my work. Awakening to new and greater potential has allowed me to help others awaken to new and greater potential. Business ventures, finances, health, and even diseases such as cancer, constant inflammation, arthritis, joint pain, muscle pain, chronic pain are all reversible through Mr Trivedi’s healing. I believe this is an energy that will change the world over time and contribute to more and more awakening and healings. Reversals of stress, anxiety disorders, fear and panic, low self-esteem, anxiety, loneliness, uncertainty, constant worrying and sadness and depression become totally reversed. Inspiration, intuition, self-esteem, true pleasure in many different arenas of daily life, empathy, calmness, finding the true purpose being genuine true purpose, become constant reminders of one’s outstanding potential accelerating beyond the past limited expectations. Problems become reminders of a new potential talent or mental, emotional, spiritual gift waiting to be discovered and received.
The Trivedi mission statement is to utilise the Trivedi Effect® to usher in a new era that integrates scientific research with consciousness to vastly improve the human condition and benefit humanity on a global scale. Although it seems clear that the Trivedi Effect® energy has some sort of inherent intelligence that is capable of distinguishing and treating each recipient uniquely, a study conducted to assess the Trivedi Effect® biofield energy treatments on a mixed sample of cancerous and noncancerous cells at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute provides undeniable support to this theory:
“The results suggest that the biofield treatment administered in the laboratory can induce cell death of brain cancer cells from a distance while at the same time promoting viability of normal brain cells. Such selective efficacy against cancer cells is the sough after ‘holy grail’ for novel experimental anti cancer agents and makes this work all the more exciting.”
-- Garrett L. Yount, Ph.D.
Many others have experienced so much of the positive potential of the Trivedi Effect phenomenon that gives their lives greater potential awakened and new meaning. Think of any dream that is important and it has been proven it can come true under the right circumstances. The advancement and awareness of this has awakened new very obvious healing possibilities that succeed where medical could not improve. Energy healings, acupressure, natural healing becoming more available and helpful.
The world will have a great level of gratitude over what has been occurring to create a new world. It is so amazing to be part of it. It is extraordinary to have the fortune to awaken to these potentials and great gratitude to Mr Trivedi for creating so amazingly powerful.
I wish to give thanks to all the participants as well as the persons who introduced me to Mr Trivedi....Thomas Orban, and Alex Cejka and his family. I will be forever grateful to them. Also gratitude to Alice, Dahryn and Gopal. So inspirational.
All of those in my group also I have gratitude
1. Cathryn Dawn Nykvist
2. Celine Lavelle
3. Daniel Paul Przybylski
4. Dianne Heather Vincent
5. Dorothy Felger
6. Douglas Jay Konersman
7. Elizabeth Ann Feeney
8. Jay Anthony Prague
9. Joanne Lydia Starodub
10. Karan Rasdan
11. Karen Mie Strassman
12. Leonid Soboleff
13. Maire Mayne
14. Mary M. Keesee
15. Padmanabha Narayana Pillai
16. Pamela Clarkson Ansley
17. Ronald David Schmitz
18. Sharyn Marie Sodomora