Dinamika vosstanovleniia vyzvannykh otvetov dorsomedial'nogo iadra talamusa krysy posle povrezhdeniia amigdaly
B. M. Sidorov
Time course of reorganization of patterns of the thalamic dorso-medial nucleus (DMN) focal potentials evoked by periamygdaloid cortex (PC) stimulation before and 2-90 days after the baso-lateral amygdala destruction was studied in semichronic experiments on anesthetized rats. The comparison of amplitudes and latencies to peaks of potential components as well as the analysis of their depth profiles were performed. Different stages of functional reorganization of the relationships between PC and DMN were observed. Latencies to peaks of the major positive-negative component increased within 2 months. Restoration of the potential pattern was found 2.5 months after amygdala destruction. But destruction of the amygdala markedly altered the recovery cycle of the focal potential to testing PC stimulation, especially when the interval between paired shocks was 40-150 ms. The results demonstrate a high degree of functional plasticity of the neural DMN connections which are needed to produce the focal potential after PC stimulation.
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