Assessment of the Modified Maximum Force Criterion for Aluminum Metallic Sheets


(B. Shirvani, R. Clarke, J. Duflou, M. Merklein, F. Micari, J. Griffiths, et al., Eds.) SHEET METAL 2009. LAUBLSRUTISTR 24, CH-8717 STAFA-ZURICH, SWITZERLAND: TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD (2009) .

BShirvaniRClarkeJDuflouMMerkleinFMicariJGriffithsTRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD


The paper presents an analysis of a recently proposed failure criterion for thin sheets. According to Aretz [1], this criterion becomes numerically unstable for yield surfaces with locally constant exterior normal fields. Here we make more precise statements about the nature of this instability, asses the predictive capabilities of the criterion, and introduce a fitting parameter for its plane strain calibration.

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