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BREVETE DE INVENTIE. Oficiul de Stat de Inventii si Marci, Str. Ion Ghica, nr. 5, sector 3, Bucuresti: Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industrială, Secţiunea: Brevete de invenţie, Nr.1, pp.72 (2010, January) .

Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industrială, Secţiunea: Brevete de invenţie, Nr.1, pp.72


This invention concerns a nitrite-selective potentiometric sensor used to measure the nitrite concentration in samples of various origins, such as environment pollution, food control, scientific research, etc. The sensor has a body made of PVC bar, which is provided at its base with a nitrite selective membrane on a conductive support. The membrane consists of a PVC plasticized with ortho- nitrophenyloctyl ether (o-NPOE), where the ionophore tetraphenyl porphyrin - cobalt chloride (CoTPPCl) and the lipophil additive trioctylmethylammonium chloride (TOMACl) are included. The sensor operational principle is based upon the measurement with an ionmeter/millivoltmeter devise of the potential at the surface of the nitrite-sensitive membrane, determined by the concentration of nitrite ions in the solution where
the sensor is immersed.

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