Psychometric Analysis of Depression, Anxiety and Stress Among Women of Wazirabad City

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SSRN Electronic Journal, 2(10), 61-68 (2015) .


In this paper psychometric analysis of Depression, Anxiety and Stress among Women living in Wazirabad City has been explored. Cluster sampling technique was used to collect a sample of size 334. For this purpose Urdu version of Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DASS-21) questionnaire was administered along with 10 demographic. DASS-21 data has been analyzed to study the relationship between “depression”, “anxiety” and “stress” across various demographic characteristics. DASS-21 shown good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha 0.86) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed consistency with previously found factor structures. Strong relationship of “anxiety” and “stress” has been observed with age; while no association was observed with “income”. “Education” has mild effect with the items of “depression”, “anxiety” and “stress”. “Illness” and “occupation” found to be strong factors of “depression”, “anxiety” and “stress”. Another major factor of “stress” found to be “family living system” while “marital status” also affects some of items.

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