Assessing reliability and validity of revised biggs two-factor study process questionnaire to measure learning approaches among undergraduate medical students in Lahore, Pakistan

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Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 69(3), 337-342 (2019) .


Objective: To assess reliability and validity of Revised Biggs Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire to measure learning approaches among medical students. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted at Shaikh Zayed Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan, from November 15, 2014, to January 15, 2015. The 20-item Revised Biggs Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire was used to assess medical students enrolled from the first to the final year of their studies. Data was analysed using SPSS 20. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach’s alpha, and confirmatory factor analysis was done to confirm the factor model. Results: Of the 480 students approached, 284(59.2%) completed the questionnaire. Cronbach’s alpha value was found acceptable at 0.79 and 0.72 for the deep approach and surface approach scales respectively. Comparative Fit Index value (0.858) confirmed a good fit for the model. Conclusion: Revised Biggs Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire was found to be a reliable and valid instrument to measure learning approaches among medical students.

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