The local structure of gadolinium vanado-tellurite glasses

, , , ,

Journal of Materials Science (Springer, Netherlands), 43(10), 3713 (2008) .


In this work we report on a vibrational spectroscopic, X-ray diffraction, and density measurement study of the structural properties of the ternary xGd2O3(100 − x)[7TeO2·3V2O5] systems for various x values up to 70 mol%. Structural changes, as recognized by analyzing band shapes of X-ray diffraction and IR spectra, revealed that Gd2O3 causes a higher extent of network polymerization as far as x ≤ 40 mol%, while for x between 40 and 50 mol% showed a drastic structural modification which lead to the apparition of the GdVO4 crystalline phase.

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