Spatial distribution of rural dumpsites parameters in Romania

Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, 154, 90-98 (2015) .


Poor waste management facilities led to uncontrolled waste disposal on improper sites in the proximity of human settlements, particularly in rural areas. This bad practice prevailed in all rural regions until 16
July 2009 when these garbage dumps should be closed and rehabilitated according to Government Decision number 345/2005 which comply the Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC. The paper aims a spatial analysis of waste indicators concerning the rural dumpsites at administrative territorial units on the national, regional and local scale. These data are correlated to geographical conditions reflecting spatial patterns in their distribution across and within Romanian counties. The role of geographical conditions is revealed at local scales in these spatial patterns due to a low coverage rate of rural communities to waste collection services. Such analysis supported by field observations is necessary for a proper understanding of illegal waste disposal issue. Rural regions are still exposed to such bad practices polluting the local environment.

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