Remote Management: an Architecture for Mechatronic Systems

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10th IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE). 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA: IEEE (2013) .



Cloud computing has proved to bring many advantages to its users from industry where it has been applied for data analysis, operator training or for the delivery of infrastructure or applications on demand. While some of these applications are still under development, the benefits that cloud computing offers, such as low cost, flexibility and speed of adding additional infrastructure will push forward its implementation on more processes. In this paper we will present an architecture for the remote management of mechatronic systems that will allow users to take advantage of the potential of cloud computing. The paper also contains a review of Software as a Service solutions available on the market, solutions that can be integrated in the remote management. Even though the paper focuses on mechatronic systems, the same architecture can be used on other applications.

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