Understanding the Factors That Have Influenced the Gradual Increase in the Number of Students Wishing to be Granted a BA in Norwegian Language and Literature

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Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Philologia, 64(3), 253-270 (2019) .


This study has intended to identify the reasons which have led to an increased interest in the study of Norwegian at The Faculty of Letters of Babeș-Bolyai University over the past years. According to the data gathered from the 86 respondents, students are enrolling for reasons that account for both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. The fact that the only BA programme in Norwegian language and literature can be found in Cluj-Napoca might be one of the main reasons for the growing number of students. Good job opportunities (abroad and in Romania), and the reputation on the Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literature (internationalization and exchange mobilities, teaching methods, extracurricular activities, junior summer schools, etc.) also contribute to the increase in the number of students.

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